GratiTuesday: New Beginnings

It’s undeniable that “new year, new me” just sounds much better than “another year, a more informed me” but here we are saying…

Another year, a more informed me (in this case, Seek & Revel)! 2022 was a year of lessons and breakthroughs for us that truly helped solidify what we hope to bring to life in 2023. While we aren’t the kind of people to make lists of New Year’s resolutions, we are ambitious planners. As usual, we hope to inspire you all to explore and celebrate all this life has to offer. More than any other in the past, we’ve started this year most grateful for new beginnings.

Fresh perspective

When talking to friends and family during this time of year, it's common that once the thrill of New Year's celebration —and the numbness of the morning after fades away, people often feel anxious to start working on the year’s achievements. New Year’s resolutions can truly be motivational on January 1st but when it’s January 3rd and you still haven’t gone to the gym once, it becomes a bit daunting. This past December, instead of jumping at those insane membership discounts and sales, we decided to go gently into the New Year. Sometimes all it takes is fresh perspective. The rest of your life does begin today but it isn’t a race. Take time to acknowledge what you want and need, and when you’re ready for it…jump right in.

Change is welcomed

We’re sure that some of you will agree that 2022 brought on a feeling of discomfort. That discomfort was change. We recognized the feeling as soon as we began to feel a shift around us and our mindsets— the little bubble that the pandemic caused us to keep ourselves in was finally bursting. It was change: going back out into social environments, interviews, new jobs, traveling, seeing people you hadn’t seen in months or years, and much more. Though we know it isn’t always easy to jump right in we’ve always believed that change is inevitable and something we all should invite in. This year, instead of letting it come to us abruptly, we want to lead it. With all the lessons learned in 2022, it inspired us to grow in direction of who we want to become. 2023, change is welcomed.


Before we start our new year, we want to say a warm goodbye to 2022. We are so grateful for the growing pains and the unlearning 2022 unraveled for us — even the lessons we haven’t finished processing yet. Looking at it positively, without all the experiences of the past year, we don’t believe we’d be walking into 2023 as clear minded as we are now. We hope that even if 2022 was a rough year for you, that you are still looking for the silver lining in all experiences and using it as your building blocks. Become the person you hope to be, start now.

Happy New Year to our lovely readers. We hope that 2023 is a year full of growth, love, and exploration for us all.


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